A Brief Rundown of
Top Facts About Sugar Gliders That People Must Know About Them as Pets in The Modern World
The love and care for animals keeps rising among most people across the world which explains why some people go a step higher to keep some of them at home ranging from cats and dogs to even wild animals such as frogs, toads and fish among many others. It is for such reasons that sugar gliders are now on top of the list when talking about the popular types of pets todays which makes it crucial for animal lovers planning to keep them as pets to ensure that they are aware of every vital aspects about the tiny animals that may affect their relationship with them in the long run. Just like everyone would guess, this discussion starts with the name and similar to every other thing in the world today, both plants and animals, sugar gliders also have a Scientific name that is in Latin which is Petaurus breviceps and it roughly translates to short headed rope dancers in English.
People that love their pets look forward to having them by their side for a long time which unfortunately is so hard with the common pet types in the modern world but the case with sugar gliders is different as they have among the longest time span in history of as long as 10 to 15 years. These animals are therefore among the best and most effective solutions to cases where pet owners end up stressed and frustrated every time they lose their pets due to nature causes such as aging as their lifespan allows them adequate time to not only enjoy their company but also to let go when time eventually comes as well.
The size is another crucial aspect for anyone interested in knowing more about sugar gliders and their bodies range between 5 and six inches long with their tails adding an extra six inches that act as the rudder every time they glider. As for the weight, sugar gliders are among the lightest pets in the market today weighing about four to 4.5 ounces which are about 100 and 160g.
Sugar gliders are believed to have originated from multiple places that include the East of Australia, Tasmania and the surrounding islands as well as Papua New Guinea and some selected parts of Indonesia. While they rarely tough the ground, these creatures are commonly found in the rainforest areas gliding from one tree to another and have their homes in hollow trees.
Other vital aspects to know about sugar gliders include their diet and health, body structure and anatomy, temperature and behavior among many others.